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Showing 1 - 15 of 21 Videos
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PowiGaN - Quality, Robustness and Reliability

Power Integrations has full control over the manufacturing process of its PowiGaN devices, which includes extensive tests specifically designed to ensure the initial quality, robustness and long-term reliability of our...

GaN 革命 - PowiGaN が GaN の進歩をリード

PI の会長兼 CEO の Balu Balakrishnan 氏が、PowiGaN テクノロジーがまもなくシリコンや SiC に取って代わり、最も効率的でコスト効率の高い高電圧電源を実現する方法について語ります。

Who Needs 900 V GaN?

PI Director of Technical Outreach Andy Smith does the math and explains why more and more power supplies need the combination of high efficiency, output power and switching performance only...

InnoSwitch4-Pro Product Introduction

InnoSwitch4-Pro family of digitally controllable flayback switcher ICs combines the programmability of an I²C interface with the high efficiency of Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS). It enables easy compliance with the...

PCIM 2021 - GaN Eliminates Heatsinks

During a panel discussion at the 2021 PCIM Europe Digital Days on May 5, PI Vice President of Marketing Doug Bailey explains how PowiGaN technology eliminates heatsinks while maintaining high...

GaN Explained - Part 1 - What is GaN?

In the first part of this 4-part video series, PI Vice President of Marketing Doug Bailey explains GaN technology and the new possibilities it brings to the power conversion industry.